Code Red

Transfusion and Laboratory support in Trauma Group Code Red Audit


The aim of the Code Red audit is to monitor and optimise the transfusion support given to patients following major trauma in Scotland


The primary objective is to optimise the transfusion support given to patients following major trauma in Scotland, including the delivery of laboratory services and transfusion support in both the pre-hospital and hospital setting along with the introduction of novel services and approaches.


A standardised data collection form (DCF) was designed and agreed by the Transfusion and Laboratory Support in Trauma Group (TLSTG). Page one of the DCF contains patient information and a unique national code red audit number. Pages 2-4 of the DCF contain anonymised data which will be sent to Alison Glover to enter onto a secure database. Once piloting, this anonymised data will be entered directly onto a web based database (REDcap).

Ethics opinion was obtained from the Lothian Regional Ethics Committee Scientific Advisor and the project was deemed a service evaluation/audit and not therefore requiring full ethics submission. The Caldicott guardian for NHS Lothian has approved the use of the REDcap secure database. Funding for use of the REDcap database was secured from SNBTS

All data is owned by the NHS. Matthew Reed and Alison Glover will maintain the database and act as guardians for the data. The project will initially last 2 years until 30th September 2016 however it is anticipated that the project will be an ongoing one. Data collection is currently underway including retrospective data collection from the introduction of the Code Red protocol at each participating hospital.

Who is Involved

Scotland’s main trauma receiving hospitals have agreed to input data into the National Code Red audit and a clinical and transfusion lead has been identified for each centre.

Local PI

Matthew Reed,Research Team – Members of the Transfusion and Laboratory support in Trauma Group

Eligibility criteria

Scotland’s main trauma receiving hospitals have agreed to input data into the National Code Red audit



  • Reed MJ, Glover A, Byrne L, Donald M, McMahon N, Hughes N, Littlewood NK, Garrett J, Innes C, McGarvey M, E Hazra E, Rawlinson PSM on behalf of the Scottish Transfusion and Laboratory Support in Trauma Group. Experience of implementing a National Code Red bleeding protocol in Scotland. Injury, Int. J. Care Injured2017; 48: 41–46

Status: closed

Start Date

April 2014

Coordinated by

Matthew Reed, Alison Glover

End date

December 2018